Latest Employment News

Protections for Pregnant and Nursing Mothers in the Omnibus Spending Bill

The recently-enacted Consolidation Appropriations Act of 2023 (H.R. 2617) included two provisions for pregnant and nursing mothers.The Providing Urgent Maternal Protections for Nursing Mothers Act (“PUMP Act”) expands lactation break rights to exempt employees.The PUMP Act amends the lactation provision…

NLRB’s Holiday Gifts to Unions

‘Tis the season for giving, which the NLRB has embraced in a most generous manner to unions.  Last week, the NLRB either decided or announced as a matter of policy:·         A return to the “micro-unit” determination under the Obama Board,…

A Divided Congress: Implications for Employers

Richard I. Lehr, Esq. With Democrats taking the Senate and Republicans the House, what should employers expect through January 2025? Without a single party controlling both houses of the legislature, it’s very unlikely that any new legislation substantially increasing or decreasing…

Pregnancy Accommodation Win for Wal-Mart Over the EEOC

McKenzie T. Meade, Esq.The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the grant of summary judgment in favor of Wal-Mart Stores East, LP (“Wal-Mart”) regarding a lawsuit brought by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) under Title VII of the Civil…

Musings on a California Wage (Reimbursement) Suit

Whitney R. Brown, Esq.California: every joke that could be made about this state, particularly its pro-plaintiff laws and regulations, has already been made, so I won’t retread that worn path. And I’ll admit, the jokes aren’t without a foundation in…

Amazing Amazon Union Victory

On Friday, the independent Amazon Labor Union won an election at the company’s Staten Island, New York fulfillment center.  The company has five days to file objections to the election.  Some interesting facts:Out of 8,325 eligible voters, only 57.4% voted.…