Latest Employment News

Thoughts About The UAW Strike On The Big Three

Why the strike? Much of the news is focused on pay and benefits, with the UAW (“U Ain’t Workin’) initially seeking a 40% increase over four years, the elimination of the two-tier wage system, adding a defined benefit plan, adding…

DOL Proposes Boost of FLSA Exempt Employee Threshold to $55,000

Today, the Department of Labor issued its long-awaited proposed rule modifying the standards for classifying employees as exempt from the overtime requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act.  To qualify for one of the white-collar exemptions (executive, administrative or professional),…

NLRB’s Radical Revisions to Union Recognition and Election Procedures

Labor Day began in 1882 as a recommendation from the American Federation of Labor for “a general holiday for the laboring classes” in recognition of their contributions to our country. It has since transformed to include a “State of the Union(s)”…

This is going to be a bigger deal than I thought: A series of blog posts reflecting on the proposed Pregnant Workers Fairness Act regulations, Part 5 of 5

Takeaway 5: Left unchecked, the proposed PWFA regulations will turn the PWFA into an unpaid leave entitlement.The PWFA—the statute—appeared to be an extension or even a slight expansion of the ADA reasonable accommodations process to employees with pregnancy, childbirth, or…

This is going to be a bigger deal than I thought: A series of blog posts reflecting on the proposed Pregnant Workers Fairness Act regulations, Part 4 of 5

Takeaway 4: All roads lead to the employer bearing the burden of proving a denied accommodation was an undue hardship under the PWFA.I don’t think there are any statistics on it, but I’d wager that over half of the ADA…

This is going to be a bigger deal than I thought: A series of blog posts reflecting on the proposed Pregnant Workers Fairness Act regulations, Part 3 of 5

Takeaway 3: The proposed regulations disfavor employer requests for medical information.Citing the costs and availability of medical care generally, the Commission takes a stance in the proposed regulations that an employer is not entitled to require medical documentation except to…