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Little-Known FMLA Facts, Part I: Under-Utilized FMLA Tools

This is the first installment of a two-part series on little-known FMLA facts. Today’s installment covers under-utilized FMLA tools. Our next installment covers FMLA traps. Under-utilized FMLA Tool #1: Using FMLA While I get questions across the full spectrum of…

The Outlook for Non-Compete Agreements in 2024

California Ups The AnteAlways in the vanguard of the anti-restrictive covenant movement, California implemented two new laws impacting non-competes in 2023.  Under California law, it was already well-established that non-compete agreements were unenforceable.  To take it a step further, the…

NLRB Restricting Provisions in Severance Agreements: McLaren Macomb

In the 2023 case of McLaren Macomb, a hospital found itself under scrutiny by the National Labor Relations Board for confidentiality and non-disparagement terms that many would consider standard in severance agreements. The NLRB’s decision significantly limits an employer’s ability…

What Do Your Supervisors Know About Unions?

Only 6% of the private sector workforce are union members. Yet, the public perception is that there is a tsunami of support for unions. When I meet with managers and supervisors to discuss unionization—how it occurs and their rights to…

New Year’s Resolutions For Your Employee Handbook

Employee handbook updates are a decidedly unglamorous chore, and, just like dusting your baseboards, it’s a chore that can be put off, until, that is, the in-laws (i.e., government regulators or Plaintiff’s counsel) come around with white gloves and black…

Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

As we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we not only pay tribute to a remarkable individual but also honor the enduring legacy of a leader whose impact on civil rights and social justice resonates to this day. It’s a…