Latest Employment News

Hollywood Actors’ and Writers’ Strikes: Why They Matter

The recent actors’ strike and ongoing writers’ strike (which includes my nephew, Stephen Colbert’s lead writer) are additional visible signals of labor’s renewed popularity and power. Seventy-one percent of Americans view unions favorably, the highest rating since the Gallup Organization began…

Diversity, Days Off, and Design: Takeaways from our latest webinar

Thank you for joining us for Diversity, Days Off and Design! If you weren't able to join us (or would like to share the webinar with colleagues), you can access the recording and webinar slides here. Here are three key takeaways…

SCOTUS Leaves In Place Denial Of Telework Accommodation In Response To New Mom’s Medically-Unjustified Request

On Monday, May 15th, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal from a former Georgia state worker, Nicole Owens, who challenged her employer’s decision not to grant her extended post-maternity leave telework. Owens worked for the Georgia Governor’s Office…

DOJ Down, But Not Out In Fight Against Worker Restrictions

So far, the Biden Administration has come up empty in its quest to eliminate restrictions on worker’s ability to change jobs.  From the administration’s perspective, non-compete and non-solicit agreements (and even some confidentiality agreements) unfairly limit a worker’s ability to…

EEOC Guidance on Discrimination Caused by Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used in all aspects of life and work, including in evaluating and hiring applicants. While AI can certainly be more efficient in recruiting, evaluating, and weeding through millions of resumes, this new technology can…

When is Travel Time Considered Work Time?

One of the most difficult areas of the Fair Labor Standards Act is determining whether travel time is considered work time that must be paid for. The following provides an outline of the enforcement principles used by the Wage and…